Give your Amygdala​ a break

Key to this weekend and days ahead: Stress management and Morale/Mental well being.

Information saturation is a major source of anxiety. "COVID-19 UPDATE-ITIS" is a result of every organization, hotel and vendor feeling like you need to hear from them about this virus.  

SOLUTION:  Just subscribe to the Lyme School newsfeed.  We will keep you informed about your child's school and provide you with some enjoying stories/video.  Give your amygdala a break. You will feel better and be no more at risk.  

Avoid all other facebook pages other than Lyme School's Facebook page 

'Like' and 'follow' and post  It will be one way I will know you are feeling better about what you are experiencing.

I must admit communicating and leading without a feedback loop is a challenge unto itself.  I am ever really sure if anyone is actually reading this stuff or how they are feeling about the job we are doing.  

If you are worried about missing something on other facebook pages I will summarize the entirety of Facebook for you below:

Facebook.  Checked. Done.


• Congress is set to approve a waiver of State Testing this year! (Yes, it takes an act of Congress)

• Lyme School was recognized on the State Superintendents Update by the Commissioner of Education for how creatively we are utilizing staff to maintain contact with families and for our overall Remote Learning Plan.  If only he knew how well our staff is taking on those roles! 


• Becoming more likely that we will be at this longer than April 3.