Mr. Pendleton: Mt. Washington Weatherman

     On Wednesday, February 5th the 3rd Grade had a very unique and special opportunity to video chat with Lyme School’s very own Mr. P..  What was so special about this call was that Mr. Pendleton was not upstairs in the science room, but atop of Mt. Washington!  

Mr. Pendleton was selected to participate in Mt. Washington’s Weather Observatory visitation program.  He had the rare experience of joining fellow scientists atop of Mt. Washington and get a first hand look at the incredible weather conditions that occur at the peak of the Northeast’s tallest mountain.   

Considered to be one of the world’s most extreme weather locations, Mt. Washington provides an incredible glimpse into a weather world of its own.  So in conjunction with its ongoing weather observation unit the 3rd Grade prepared questions for Mr. P to answer as he embarked on his journey.  And there he was on the big screen, all smiles as he reported out and answered our questions.  

Mr. P. reported a temperature of 1. Degree F with a wind speed of 59 mph!  Thus making the wind chill -31 degree F.  “What do you have wear?”  How long would it take to get frostbite?”  “How thick is the ice at the summit?”  “Is there any wildlife?”  “Can you see the ocean?”  “Is the temperature and air pressure at the base different at the summit?’  Mr. Pendleton calmly answered our questions, even inserting some of his classic puns.   

After about 40 minutes the 3rd Grade had to say goodbye to Mr. P because he needed to prepare for his two hour descent down the mountain.  The 3rd Grade thanked Mr. P for sharing his amazing adventure with them and left with those incredible images in their heads and thankful that they did not live atop of Mt. Washington in the winter!